Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The best is yet to come

Hello everybody!

Wow, how time has flown by so quickly! I remember the first day of college as though it were yesterday. I know that's what we all say, but it's true in a sense. We keep our most cherished memories vivid in our minds as to not forget them. I wore my Three Rivers shirt the first and last days of every semester. I took 63 hours with an overall average GPA of 3.762. All of my classes were 3 credit hours, except one 6 hour class that was my internship with the IT Department. It's amazing how much information that can be hurled at us in such a short time.

I have had a lot of experiences, met many new people, became acquainted with many, and friends with a few. Some experiences and decisions affected me for life, and some are just short term. We have only one life to live. We must live it to the fullest.....with God. You knew I would say that, didn't you? You may not have liked that I said it. I may have made you feel uncomfortable. But the fact is - we will all die one day. This life is not all there is. We must make a decision. Will we accept who our Creator is, or will we reject Him? My friend, if you don't let God become a part of your life, one day you will regret it. I can't change reality. You must choose.

I thank God that He rescued me from going to Hell. When I was 8 years old, I accepted that God sent His Son to die for me (you too) because He loves me (and you too). I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sins (things we do wrong) and to become a part of my life. To do this, you must give full control to Him. You can't do it on your own. Sure, we're gonna mess up. We're not perfect, but God loved us so much that He wanted to rescue us from eternal separation from Him. You see, we all are sinners, and God cannot look on sin. To get to Heaven on our own we have to live a perfect life. That's impossible. So God provided a way. God's only Son, Jesus, was the perfect sacrifice for us because He came to this earth and lived a perfect life. All we have to do is accept this - admit we can't do it on our own. God knows the heart - it's not about words.

Anyway, I know God has a plan for me. Just like the song "Best is yet to come" written by the band RED, the best is yet to come, because God's plans are always the best. He knows our lives backwards and forwards. I covered RED's song, and you can find me playing it on YouTube in my cap and gown.

Peace out, ladies and gentlemen.

-Brandon Burch

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